Aphrodite Matsakis, Ph.D.
Licensed Counseling Psychologist


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Good Faith Estimates


The Rape Recovery Handbook: Step-by-Step Help for Survivors of Sexual Assault

 By Aphrodite Matsakis, Ph.D.

If you are a survivor of sexual assault, you may be suffering from symptoms of depression, substance abuse, an eating disorder, panic and anxiety or post-traumatic stress (PTSD).  The Rape Recovery Handbook provides an effective framework in which you can heal. Healing begins by establishing a safety plan that includes how to use this book and what to expect from recovery.

In this new book, which is the only step-by-step program that helps victims acknowledge and learn to manage the emotional pain caused by the trauma of a sexual assault, you will be provided with help for coping with the reality of this experience and dealing with the aftermath of conflicting and debilitating feelings.

Available in English from New Harbinger Publications, Oakland, CA, www.newharbinger.com, phone: 1 800 748 6273.

Available in Greek from the author.  If you wish to purchase a copy in Greek, fill out the contact form and Dr. Matsakis will contact you to make arrangements for purchase.

Review of The Rape Recovery Handbook

 “In her latest book, The Rape Recovery Handbook, Matsakis has again demonstrated a unique level of compassion and concern for rape victims and their capacity for healing. While guiding her reader gently through numerous exercises specifically designed for maximum effect, Dr.  Matsakis provides illumination into thought processes that often trap victims into believing that they are beyond hope. Gentle, empathic advice, along with a sincere belief that rape victims can restore their self-esteem and become rape survivors living full, joyful lives, make this book indispensable to both victim and therapist alike.”        

 Teresa Lauer, MA RapeRecovery.com





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